Well, left my bike in the centre of Christchurch with a for sale note on it yesterday lunchtime and this afternoon I am bereft of bike. Sold it by the way, not lost it. Having bought it for about 800 pounds, I've just sold it for about 400 pounds with a dodgy engine and ridden it for 12400 Kms in four months. I reckon I've done ok, it's much cheaper than any other form of transport apart from hitching.
So now I need to find another way to get about. I hear there are camper van rental companies who need people to get their vans back to Auckland for the next influx of people (the British Lions fans). I may be able to get a camper van for nothing if I take it back! We'll see . . .
Nice one. Sounds alright fer a bike full of eggs - protein packed bargain I reckons.
Camper van schmamper van... get yerself a balloon I reckons. Make the envelope out discarded crisp packets (might have to shell out fer some sellotape) - fill with yer own gas... result! (Could even save the plane fare home?!)
Baloon schmalloon. I've now decided to kite surf my way around the coast to Auckland. Should just about make it in time for the flight. The only trouble is finding sufficient cheese wrappers with which to fabricate my kite. Have already got the board constructed from driftwood and chewing gum . . .
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