April 06, 2005

Lots of nothing

So what have I been doing for the last few days? Lots of nothing, that's what! I have been out walking in the fabulous Otago countryside, just drinking in the views and the wide open spaces. I am back in Wanaka at the momnet, where the sun is shining and the autumnal colours are bright and fabulous. The days are still warm, with shorts and jandals being most popular, but night time is a different story. As soon as the sun goes down, the temperature plummets, especially with the cloudless skies we have got at the moment. It doesn't quite seem possible that in about three months this quiet town will be packed with snowboarders and skiers and that the surrounding hills, and possibly the town, will be blanketed in snow.
I haven't got much to tell you, because trying to convey the feeling of sitting on a hill top looking out over the hills and mountains is an utterly thankless and pointless task. Unfortunately my vocabulary simply isn't up to the job. All I can tell you is that I could happily spend hours just looking at the scenery here, despite that fact that I can see it would not be to everyone's taste. I'll have photo's when I get back, but they will never provide the feeling of space, the clarity of the air and the warmth of the sun. I just hope they will be enough to trigger my memory in years to come. In the meantime, I'll be making sure that those memories get as much reinforcement as possible before I leave. Right, got to go and find a hill to climb up . . .

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