October 29, 2004


Hurrah! Have transport, will travel. I'll post a photo of the steed later today, but suffice to say that my two wheeled companion is in Sarah and Andy's garage and I will be heading off to the Northland tomorrow. Not much to tell of the last few days, mostly it's been spent getting my transport sorted out. But now I can look forward to a couple of weeks mooching around the most northerly area of NZ before coming back through Auckland and heading south.
I've got my technical camping equipment, a book of NZ campsites, a book of Lord of the Rings locations (!) and a mode of transport - what more could I need?!
Oh yes, I've got a NZ mobile phone as well, so if anyone receives very odd random text messages at wierd times, it might be me holed up in a bar somewhere . . .

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