October 31, 2004

Up north again

It’s Sunday, it’s hot and sunny and it’s Sarah’s birthday - hurrah! We’ve just been down to the beach to watch the Auckland marathon runners sprint/jog/struggle past while we sat back enjoying a relaxing coffee and breakfast in the morning sunshine. A very pleasant stroll along the sandy bays and a dip of the feet into the sea later and it was obviously ice cream time.
We are now back at Andy and Sarah’s place and I am finishing off the packing of my gear, ready for the off in an hour or two. I am planning to head north to Waipu (pronounced “why pooh”) Cove or Uretiti Beach. Both have campsites, with the Uretiti Beach campsite being a Department of Conservation (DOC) site. I suspect I will be staying at quite a few DOC sites, they are basic but usually only cost NZ$6 (about 2 pounds 30) per night and they are all in conservation areas. I haven’t decided where to stay tonight yet, I’ll just see what the campsites look like.
In the next couple of weeks I’ll head up the east coast to Cape Reinga, the most northerly point in NZ and then come back down the west coast to Auckland. By that time, both Andy and Sarah’s sisters will be in town, so I’ll stop by to say hi before heading away to the Coromandel peninsula.
So there we are, a very rough plan for the next three weeks or so. I’ll be updating the blog whenever I can and posting photo’s if possible. If I can’t get photo’s on, you’ll have to wait until I get back to Auckland before you can see the sights . . . . . So take care everyone, and I’ll be in touch again soon.

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